Next Jogbox (NJB)

The Next Jogbox (NJB) is the first manual coordinate measurement machine (CMM) control interface created using a thorough user experience research methodology. Its strong construction and ergonomic design allow for comfortable operation of your CMM throughout the day. The NJB was developed with the user in mind, aiming to revolutionize user experience and enhance product…


Vibration, temperature, humidity, air pressure, brightness, crash alerts, and the current condition of the coordinate measuring machine (CMM). The easiest way to connect to and monitor your coordinate measurement machine (CMM) is through PULSE. We have built this system to make it as simple and intuitive as possible for you to select, access, and utilize…

I/O Flow Manager

The comprehensive integration solution for integrating coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) into a manufacturing cell is I/O Flow Manager. With little pre-programming or operator training required, manufacturers can incorporate quality assurance directly into production, thanks to the all-in-one hardware and software package. With specialized hardware and software components collaborating to ensure smooth interfaces with the production…

FIVE U-nique fixturing system

With FIVE U-nique, a fully automated flexible fixturing solution, precise fixtures can be rapidly created for an unlimited number of part configurations, providing support and reference for the workpiece. FIVE U-nique is an innovative approach to flexibly fixture items for inspection on a coordinate measurement system. Prior to initiating the component inspection process, it establishes…

Leica Absolute Tracker ATS600

An increasing number of manufacturers are interested in digitally locating and examining large parts and surfaces that are just out of reach for handheld, traditional 3D laser scanners, touch probes, or reflectors. The Leica Absolute Tracker ATS600 is equipped with an innovative operating concept that enables metrology-grade accuracy in locating a point in 3D space…

Leica Absolute Tracker AT930

With the Leica Absolute Interferometer (AIFM), the next generation 3D laser tracker, the Leica Absolute Tracker AT930 stands out from competitors thanks to its fast dynamic measurement capabilities. It offers a quick, precise, and easy-to-use method of measuring reflectors due to its automatic target localization, real-time architecture, and ability to quickly restore an interrupted beam.…

Leica Absolute Tracker AT960

Introducing the groundbreaking Leica Absolute Tracker AT960, featuring superior 6DoF laser tracking technology in a remarkably portable and user-friendly design. The Leica Absolute Tracker AT960 sets a new standard as a reliable all-in-one laser tracker that conveniently fits into a single flight case. This innovative solution offers seamless functionality for six degrees of freedom (6DoF)…

Laser tracker automation

In the realm of smart manufacturing, laser tracker-based robotic measurement and control systems are revolutionizing industrial automation by delivering metrology-caliber precision. One of the most significant financial investments in a comprehensive quality control process is the longtail cost of labor, in addition to the initial expenses of high-quality metrology equipment. Human error is a common…

Leica T-Mac

The demand for automated measurement applications is on the rise, and many of you have shown interest in modifying the current Leica T-Probe for this purpose. Leica T-Mac (Tracker-Machine control sensor) – the cutting-edge 6DoF tracking device designed specifically for automated applications. The Leica T-Mac is not just another off-the-shelf product; it can be customized…